The symptoms of prostatitis in men for the treatment and prevention of

The symptoms of prostatitis ultrasound

Prostatitis, men have the symptoms are different, it all depends on the form of the disease. The inflammatory process in the tissue of the prostate gland that occurs for a variety of reasons. The blame for all of it can be viruses, bacteria, and even some chronic diseases, such as tuberculosis, and pyelonephritis.

Some forms of the disease are rare, and some are diagnosed more and more frequently. There is a general call, all the symptoms, but to discover the rating, it is not so simple.

What is prostatitis and classification

Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease that occurs for a variety of reasons. The inflammatory process reaches the tissue of the prostate gland, which is characterized unpleasant symptoms and is the consequence of this could be the one for tuberculosis, alcoholism or obesity.

The types of prostatitis are known to doctors:

  1. Acute bacterial – this type of disease is very rare and it is characterised in the acute, given the symptoms. It requires treatment under the supervision of an expert, it can cause sepsis or septic shock.
  2. A chronic bacterial disease of many times, flowing with no noticeable symptoms, but in some cases, it is observed some of the signs in the acute type of prostatitis.
  3. The chronic (non-bacterial) — is developed in the middle of the neuromuscular diseases, infectious diseases, or occurs as a consequence of the inflammatory processes that occur in the body over a long period of time. All of the factors that have led to the development of an inflammatory process, doctors to install it and it failed.
  4. Asymptomatic (without symptoms) can appear as the complement of the disease has developed very rapidly, but the specific symptoms have not. The signs of the inflammatory process expressed weakly. In some cases, the condition requires no treatment and goes it alone, after eliminating all the causes.
  5. Chronic granulomatous is in the midst of the replacement of the tissues of the prostate, tumors of fibrous tissue, with beads on the inside. When you do so, beans can be foci of necrosis. The disease develops as a complication after undergoing an intervention on the pelvic girdle, or as a result of the infection process, and the process is running on the fabric.

Rating details

Forms of prostatitis may be a little bit different from the classification by the type of pathogen, leading to the development of the inflammation is:

The type of the disease The cause of the Other information
Bacterial In Escherichia coli, and pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococci, staphylococci. The bacteria enter the tissue of the prostate through the lymph and into the blood stream.
Gonorrheal Gonorrhea. This happens when you are not protected by sexual contact.
Viral The herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, human papilloma virus. The main danger of this disease lies in the fact that the cells of the active virus multiplies, and might strike the surrounding cells of the body.
The tb The Bacillus Of Koch. This type of infection is dangerous, because it is difficult to deal with, as a concomitant of the disease, it is active during the main treatment.
How about The fungi species of Candida. It is developed in the midst of a course of antibiotics or after a sexual encounter unprotected with a woman who has thrush.
Mixed 2-type of infection. It is extremely rare and may be the result of an infection with the 2 types of bacteria.
Calculous disease is, by itself, it is due to education, in the tissues of the prostate gland, stones (rocks), they are known to cause the development of an inflammatory process.

A woman can infect humans, bacteria are different. The infection occurs in the period of the unprotected PA. Pregnancy of the partner, increases the risk of infection during this period, the woman is the weakening of the immunity, often develop oral thrush, and she, in turn, becomes the cause of the development of fungal prostatitis.

The signs and symptoms of

The first sign of prostatitis is pain, which occurs during the period of the urine output and it takes a growing character, and becomes more intense as the crushing of the ureter.

A wide variety of symptoms of prostatitis, man

The main symptoms of prostatitis:

  • the problem is, in the intimate sphere;
  • urethral discharge (in very rare cases, it all depends on the type of disease;
  • the pain when urinating;
  • frequent urges;
  • the increase in the temperature of the body, the most common symptoms of intoxication.

The symptoms of prostatitis the male members of the ever growing nature. It gradually enhanced the swelling of the tissue of the prostate gland. It increases the volume, the greater the pain and the symptoms, it becomes severe.

The signs of acute and chronic prostatitis

So, as is evidenced by the prostatitis are acute in the current, and a description of the symptoms:

  1. The increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees and above.
  2. The appearance of the urethral discharge.
  3. The increased pain in the groin area.
  4. "Frequent and painful need to urinate.
  5. Problems with achieving an erection.

Often, the symptoms occur spontaneously, it is growing, and it can also be accompanied by a deterioration of the general condition of the patient: loss of appetite, general weakness, sickness, and apathy.

What are the characteristic signs of the chronic type of the ailment.

  • discomfort during the the the erection;
  • recurring pain in the region of the groin, the belly, the egg, or even in the groin area;
  • difficulty in passing urine.

The chronic form of the current symptoms of prostatitis for men-espresso is weak, they do occur from time to time. Rant from a man with all the time. But, in a variety of situations, and the symptoms are increasing problems with achieving an erection, and urination.

The causes of the disease

The cause of the prostatitis, the male is not the same as the inflammatory process in the tissue which develops on the background:

  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • sexual contact with a woman who is an infectious disease of the character;
  • the procedures of the forum;
  • chronic pyelonephritis, or tuberculosis (tb).

The cause of the disease is often connected with the presence in the body of a human to an infectious agent. Chronic inflammation in the absence of an adequate treatment, if it develops gradually and affects the nearby tissues.

The cause of prostatitis young people:

  • stress, poor diet, lack of vitamins;
  • the withdrawal, with the material of the nature of the long-term;
  • disordered sexual relationships with multiple women. -
  • heavy physical activity on the body (lifting the weight).

In spite of the fact that it is the cause of prostatitis are various, according to urologists, there is a high risk that includes:

  1. Of age or older.
  2. You can save up to win.
  3. Leading a sedentary lifestyle.
  4. Abuse of alcoholic beverages.

Those with chronic diseases, systematic use of alcohol, and disorderly sexual intercourse – all of this can be the cause of the development of the inflammatory process. But if you on a regular basis for exams, a visit to a urologist, and to do the analysis, you can-if you can't find such a disease.

The diagnosis of the disease

The methods for the diagnosis of prostatitis

The diagnosis of prostatitis occurs in several stages, which include:

  • the collection of the history (the description of the symptoms, disturbing the patient);
  • with the completion of the ultrasound scan of the pelvis (prostate, kidney, and ureters);
  • the analysis of the urine (in the general case, the clinic Nechiporenko, daily, a portion of, and planting);
  • a swab of the urethra to the microbiota;
  • palpatory inspection;and
  • a blood sample for an ELISA;
  • urography to be performed and, if necessary, in view of the toxicity, and the presence of contra-indications).

The main method of diagnosis is to carry out extensive research to identify and address the root causes of the disease.

The methods of treatment

The treatment of prostatitis in men, it starts with the excavation of an inflammatory process, and reduce the severity of symptoms, or unpleasant. This can be done in several stages and include the following:

  • by taking antibiotics;
  • with the completion of a physical therapy procedure;
  • the reception of the antibiotics, vitamins and immune modulators.

How to treat prostate gland in men, and, most importantly, what you should say to your doctor. Because it all depends on the cause of the inflammation, and the expression of disease symptoms.

Tablets from prostatitis can be divided into several groups:

  • the anti-inflammatory properties;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • vitamins and stimulating the immune system.

Of the antibiotics prescribed to you, in any case, but to prescribe the patient with such medication, the doctor will want to be sure that a given diagnosis.

The drugs the course of 2-3 weeks. If you need to, for the duration of the therapy increases. However, if the antibiotics do not have the proper effect on the body of the patient, the therapy that is the subject of the correction.

The massage of the prostate gland. the method of enhancing the efficacy of the treatment. It is required for the stagnation in the prostate gland and to use it as a supplement to the main therapy.

Massage is the most effective in the period of aggravation of the disease. It will help to "get rid" of the prostate gland-to-date with her secret, as well, to eliminate it through the urethra pathogens. This will help to enhance the action of antibiotics and reduce the duration of the treatment.

What kind of physical therapy can assign:

  • the laser treatment;
  • the heating
  • ultrasound, phonophoresis;
  • diadynamophoresis.

What are the complications of prostate cancers, if left untreated

It is dangerous if you are prostatitis to men's health, and what is the risk of a disease? The fact is, that the inflammation develops quickly, it "catches" the tissue of the prostate and if the disease is left untreated, it can cause the following:

  1. the chronicle of male infertility;
  2. fibrotic changes in the tissues;
  3. impotence (with a probability of 45%);
  4. chronic kidney disease, and other nearby organs.

What are the complications of prostatitis, when properly selected treatment:

  • In the absence of treatment, the inflammation can move into the chronic form;
  • Lead to the development of an adenoma of a prostate gland;
  • Problems with achieving an erection.

In the midst of a long-term period of inflammation, the chain will be the root cause of the intoxication, the signs of which will only worsen the well-being of the patient, and they complicate the course of the disease.

The prevention of prostatitis at home

The prevention of prostatitis boils down to a simple rule:

  • compliance with the personal hygiene;
  • the use of an anti-septic after-bare, PA;
  • to speed up the sex life;
  • the correction of the diet it is worth to include in the diet of the meat that he so richly to proteins).

As well as for the prevention of prostatitis in men can include the receipt of particular drug interactions:

  1. vitamins and minerals;
  2. Immunostimulants;
  3. diuretics of plant origin.

Preventative methods can help prevent the spread of the inflammatory process, but it is not really worth, the state of alert all the time.

So you do not experience prostatitis it is worth it to treat colds and viral infections.

The inflammation of the prostate gland, is a dangerous disease, which can lead to serious complications. For this reason, if you are unpleasant symptoms, it is worthwhile to look for a urologist, it is going to avoid serious complications: impotence, infertility.